Courier and logistics

CliniQnect has partnered with leading courier companies in order to integrate home sample collection and shipment requirements according to the protocol.

A critical part in the home collection service for clinical trials is to the manage logistics around home sample collection (including delivery of medication, supplies, dry ice). CliniQnect, together with our courier partners, has many years of expertise in logistical requirements and cold chain logistics and regulatory standards following sponsors requirements, patients’ preferences (location, time etc.) as well as laboratories protocol.

We have solutions in place to meet the most demanding industry expectations.

  • Geographic considerations
  • Logistical requirements
  • Drug stability
  • Cold chain logistics
  • Regulatory standards
  • Patient preference
  • Sponsor preference

All play a role in identifying the best solution. CliniQnect has developed processes for temperature monitoring and control, chain of custody and drug accountability, and routinely partners with courier to allow for tailor-made solutions for your program. CliniQnect’s unique architecture connects us with partners whose approach to clinical trial logistics helps courier your time-and-temperature-sensitive shipments securely across numerous geographies.

Partnerships with leading couriers

Through our long-standing partnerships with leading couriers, we have transport and storage solutions in place to meet the most demanding industry expectations